Rubeckia Subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’

henry eillers
Height: 4-5 feet
Spread: 2-3 feet
Type: Perennial
Origin: Central US including parts of eastern Oklahoma
Exposure: Sun or Partial Shade
Water: moderate
Edible: ?
Medicinal: possible
Companions: Little Bluestem, Big Bluestem, Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’, Lead Plant, Baptisia, Prairie Dropseed, Blue Grama

Notes: The one of a kind look and performance of this selection of Sweet Coneflower puts aside arguments against selections and cultivars. In our experience this is a very robust cloned cultivar that’s not too fussy about water and light requirements and blooms for much of the summer and into the fall. It’s quilled ray flowers are very striking and unique and share something of an aesthetic kinship with the unique rays of Gaillardia Aestivalis Prairie Gaillardia. Think of this as a unique Rudbeckia for the back of beds.
Here’s some more information about the introduction of this selection and an Illinois Route 66 prairie project of Mr. Eiler’s.

Oklahoma Native Plant Society Hike at Lake Arcadia

It was a nice cool morning for a ONPS walkabout around the Lake Arcadia Conservation Education Area last Saturday.  I saw some new things, learned some new things and had a good time.  Here are some highlights.

Passiflora Incarnata

Passiflora Incarnata

onps 2

Cephalanthus occidentalis “Button Bush”

Schizycharium Scoparium "Little Bluestem" field

Schizycharium Scoparium “Little Bluestem” field

Ipomoea Pandurata "Wild Sweet Potato"

Ipomoea Pandurata “Wild Sweet Potato”

Andropogon Gerardii "Big Bluestem" and Sorghastrum Nutans "Indian Grass"

Andropogon Gerardii “Big Bluestem” and Sorghastrum Nutans “Indian Grass”