Category: sights from the field
Aristolochia fimbriata (white veined pipevine) from one of our favorite local nurseries Wild Things. The other worldly blooms and attractive vining foliage make this a nice choice for hanging baskets. Pipevines are host plants for Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies. This particular species is from South and Central America but we have native Oklahoma pipevine species as well.
Pi House In May
All of the rain has been kind to our Pi house project (except for the leaf rust on the Wheat). Here’s some recent photos showing how things are progressing. I’m glad to see many pollinators and abundant wild life enjoying the biodiversity.
Sedum Wall
Spring Wildflowers in Central OK
Indian Paintbrush Field
Shades of Spring 2015
Anemone caroliniana in Norman, OK
Occasionally you get glimpses of what this land may have looked like 150 years ago. I can imagine a whole hillside covered in the pretty purple spring blossoms of Anemone caroliniana. Sadly, today I found only this one lone specimen, perhaps the last of it’s kind in this spot. Remnants of the past but also inspiration for the future. Together we can bring back some of these past beauties.