Oklahoma Native Plant Society Hike at Lake Arcadia

It was a nice cool morning for a ONPS walkabout around the Lake Arcadia Conservation Education Area last Saturday.  I saw some new things, learned some new things and had a good time.  Here are some highlights.

Passiflora Incarnata

Passiflora Incarnata

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Cephalanthus occidentalis “Button Bush”

Schizycharium Scoparium "Little Bluestem" field

Schizycharium Scoparium “Little Bluestem” field

Ipomoea Pandurata "Wild Sweet Potato"

Ipomoea Pandurata “Wild Sweet Potato”

Andropogon Gerardii "Big Bluestem" and Sorghastrum Nutans "Indian Grass"

Andropogon Gerardii “Big Bluestem” and Sorghastrum Nutans “Indian Grass”